Safety Notices

  • The Club is under 24-hour recorded video surveillance, which may be retained by the Club for subsequent review, and your membership card usage is logged. The surveillance system does not protect you from harm in or on the building premises. You must use caution when entering or leaving the building. A courtesy telephone is available if you feel threatened or witness suspicious activity. Do not allow access to individuals who knock on the door; doing so may put you at risk of injury or harm, and could result in you losing your membership privileges. The Club is equipped with panic buttons and medical emergency call buttons. These are designed to signal authorities in the event you feel either threatened or in need of medical help.
  • Do not leave any belongings unattended. Do not store any valuables in the lockers.
  • You have access to a free orientation to the facility and the proper use of its equipment. It is your responsibility to request this orientation.
  • It is your responsibility to wipe down the equipment and un-rack the weights you use.
  • You must use the safety features of the equipment. If you are unsure of how to use a machine, you should obtain instructions from the staff or personal trainers.
  • You must follow the directions of the staff regarding safety and security issues.
  • You are responsible for understanding how to operate the panic alarms and agree to use them only in case of an emergency.
  • Horseplay, vulgar language, abuse of the equipment, working out while intoxicated, or other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the suspension or cancellation of your membership, and a cancellation fee of up to PhP5,000 or two months of dues, whichever is greater being immediately payable.
  • Age Requirements – You must be at least 14 years old. If you are aged under 18, you must only use the facilities and services available at the Club during staffed hours and under supervision of the Club’s staff. If you violate this policy, you may be asked to leave the Club’s premises or have your membership suspended or cancelled subject to a cancellation fee.

If you are under 18 your parent or guardian must sign this agreement and must guarantee your payments.