Membership Terms and Conditions

  1. Prices stated in this Agreement are inclusive of all applicable consumption taxes.
  2. You acknowledge and agree that:
    • You are above the age of 14. If you are under the age of 18, you have the express permission of your parent/guardian to join the Club and use the facilities and services available at the Club during staffed hours and under supervision of the Club’s staff. All references to “you” or “your” in this Agreement will denote you and/or your parent/guardian on behalf of you.
    • The monthly payments will be debited from the bank account/credit card authorized by you until you or the Club cancels the arrangement by notifying your bank or credit provider. You agree to sign all documents necessary to ensure that the monthly payments can be made by direct debit/credit card auto pay.
    • You agree that the monthly direct debits/credit card auto pay are payable until the Minimum Term Expiry Date and during any Continuing Membership Period even if you do not use the Club.
    • You are not entitled to cancel your membership during the Minimum Term except in the circumstances set out below under the paragraph headed “Cancellation”.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure sufficient funds are in the nominated account or your credit card is valid with a sufficient credit limit when the monthly payments are due and if a debit/charge is unsuccessful you will be responsible for any administration fees and/or collection fees. We may, in our absolute discretion, debit/charge up to a maximum of three standard monthly dues without notice should the prior debits/charge be unsuccessfully processed.The membership fees are non-refundable, unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms
    • and Conditions.
    • Purchases bought through the use of your key or account number will be charged along with any applicable consumption taxes, to the next monthly draft in addition to your membership dues.
    • The registration fee paid for the 24 hour access is non-refundable under any circumstances.
  1. Privacy: The personal information that we collect from you (including your name, address, date of birth, personal identification number (first four digits) and other information about you) has been collected for the primary purpose of registering your membership with us and facilitating the provision of our services to you. You agree and hereby consent that we may also disclose your personal information to Asia Fitness Limited and Anytime Fitness LLC being the franchisors for the Anytime franchised network in the Philippines, our professional advisers, debt collection service providers, third parties providing benefits to Anytime Fitness® members, third parties to whom we may outsource our administrative or operative functions, including their agents and assigns, and financiers or government authorities or organizations as required or authorized by law (whether within or outside of the Philippines).

    You hereby agree and consent that the information will be stored on a network database and may be used for internal administrative purposes, debt collection purposes or to enable us to comply, where reasonably necessary, with any court orders, law, rules or regulations binding on us, or where you have provided your consent, to communicate promotional offers and membership benefits, newsletters and special events to you. You may request access to and/or correction of your personal information by contacting the Club Manager during normal business hours at the contact number or email address set out above. If you do not provide all or part of the personal information requested it may not be possible for us to make our services available to you.

  1. Rules: You agree to abide by all membership rules, policies and regulations of this Club and other Personal Record Fitness® facility that you visit, as may be prescribed from time to time.
  2. Payments: Unless cancelled as provided in this Agreement, you will be responsible for all payments due and owing under this Agreement, even if you do not use our facilities and services. However, in the event of death or disability, liability for fees will terminate as of the date of death or disability. If the Club’s facilities become temporarily unavailable due to an event such as a fire, flood, loss of lease, or the like, we will extend your membership privileges for the period the facilities were unavailable.
  3. Member Assumption of Risk and Release: You warrant and represent that you do not have any medical or mental condition or disability; or disease, which could become worse during exercise or result in damage to your health if you exercise or engage in any physical activity at the Club. You acknowledge that this is an unsupervised fitness club and agree to exercise responsibly and with due care and attention to your own medical and mental condition at all times. You understand and accept all risks of injury from Club activities and using any Club equipment. You understand and agree that the Club and any other Personal Record Fitness® facility that you visit do not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, except those arising from their negligence or breach of this Agreement.
  4. Cancellation: You are not entitled to cancel your membership during the Minimum Term except for this two valid reasons:
    • Medical Cancellation: You may cancel this Agreement for medical reasons before the Minimum Term Expiry Date. Your doctor must provide certification that your use of the Club facilities and services would impair your health.
    • Relocation Cancellation: You may cancel this Agreement before the Minimum Term Expiry Date by giving us 30 days written notice if you permanently move your residence more than 30 kilometers from Personal Record Fitness® Club or affiliate Club with whom we have an agreement allowing you to transfer your membership privileges free of charge. We will require proof of permanent relocation. You must also tell us your new address and new phone number. Remember, if you are within 30 kilometres of any facility or affiliate Club which will allow you to transfer your membership privileges free of charge, this Agreement will still be in effect.
    • Cancellation Fee: Cancellation during your minimum term, may require you to pay Cancellation Fees worth Php 5,000.
    • Cancellation after the Minimum Term Expiry Date: You can cancel your membership after the Minimum Term by delivering to the Club during manned hours a 30 day written notice. Cancellation will commence on your next direct debit date after the 30 day notice.
    • The Club retains the right to cancel or suspend the membership of any person for any reason. If such cancellation or suspension is made due to a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement, including the Membership Policies and Safety Notices, or due to damage rendered by you, the balance of your financial obligations under this Agreement shall become due and payable in full immediately, in addition to a PhP5,000 cancellation fee or two months of dues, whichever is greater. In case where the facility or its contents are damaged, you will also be responsible for the repair or replacement thereof.
  1. Late Fees: You agree to pay a late fee if your monthly payment is received past the due date and/or any fee associated with returned payments or non-payment of dues. Should you default, you agree to pay all collection costs including agency fees or administration charges, court or arbitration costs and reasonable attorney fees, which may be paid or incurred by the Club.
  2. Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, termination or validity, or breach thereof (“Disputes”), you agree to enter into mediation for a minimum of seven (7) days prior to initiating any legal action against the Club. The mediation will take place between you and a relevant representative of the Club to be appointed at the Club’s sole and absolute discretion. During this period of seven (7) days, you agree not to disclose any information relating to the said Dispute or the mediation thereof to the public domain without the written consent of the Club. If following mediation, you and the Club are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the Dispute, such Dispute shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the Philippine laws and you and the Club agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippine Courts. You agree the Club shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses resulting from the engagement of attorneys, where applicable.
  3. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. All conditions, warranties or other terms not expressly contained in this Agreement (actual or implied), or not imposed or required to be binding by applicable statute in respect of the services or goods supplied by us, our employees, servants or agents, are hereby excluded. The parties acknowledge that they have not relied on any oral or written representations or other promises or assurances not contained in this Agreement. The parties waive all rights and remedies which might otherwise be available to them in respect thereof, except that nothing in this Agreement will limit or exclude any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.